Hilsen fra Karyna - 1 års ICC Scholarship, Vilnius

Submitted by Morten Harboe on 22.1.2021
Karyna studerer ved Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania (Interior design) og vores klub støtter for bachelor studiets resterende 1 år periode (semester 2020-21).
I december sendte Karyna os en varm julehilsen med tegninger fra et projekt, som hun har arbejdet på i efteråret 2020, som en del af sit studie. Projektet gjaldt et samlingssted i byen Trakai, den gamle hovedstad.
Nogle af os havde håbet at besøge blandt andet Trakai i maj 2020, og siden er et besøg i Litauen i maj 2021 også opgivet.
Desværre kan denne hjemmeside ikke uploade filer, som Karyna sendte for at beskrive sit studiearbejde. 28 jan: Et par billeder fra det store materiale tilføjet.
vh Morten H.


"I would like you to post any of my works! That will mean a lot to me :-)

I'm attaching you few 3D Photoshop-made visuals of this semester's project. This half of the year I've been working on designing a co-working space that would be located in Trakai, Lithuania. This project would allow start-up companies, freelancers, and students to try out a new way of working. As well as in this place you would also find other functions- like a big conference room for larger meetings or different events, a recreational function- a yoga studio and a restaurant.  

During the semester I had to do a lot of research on how to make this project durable and accessible for a lot of people. As well as to create a suitable design for all of the functions I've mentioned before.

It was a really big proposition and I'm happy that it turned out the way I planned to. :)

Warmest wishes for a happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year from Lithuania!

May the holiday season bring only happiness and joy to you and your loved ones."